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Open Management

We will contribute to the development of the livestock industry through systematic livestock
disease control and professional hygiene management of livestock products

Ethical Management

Achieved “Best Organization” in self-assessment of anti-corruption imitative measures, ZERO corruption
Strategies and challenges
Strengthening ethical management systems
  • Strengthen ethics codes and execution systems
  • Internalize an organizational culture of integrity
Creating an organizational culture of integrity and purity
  • Strengthen internal auditing systems
  • Anti-corruption assessments and feedback
Driving people-centered human rights management
  • Establish and spread human rights management
Implementation organizations
Internal (Non-executive auditor, audit office)
External (Citizen officer for inspecting integrity, accounting firm)
Human rights management council
Performance monitoring
Internal monitoring
  • Self-audits (periodic, routine, disciplinary, special)
  • Institutional assessment of affiliated organization (9 provincial headquarters)
External monitoring
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs anti-corruption imitative self-assessment
Diversification of reporting systems
  • Absurdity reporting center (Red Whistle)
  • E-people (website)